A simple method to stop being impulsive, especially with decisions and ideas
Everyone is impulsive it is the discipline to hold on that few seem to possess and use to their advantage.
When we meet an obstacle or decision it is human nature to have things jump out of our heads or get too excited because we feel we have seen this before
The problem here is believing your bullshit at that moment and making decisions from what you are feeling at that moment
Sometimes the best decisions and ideas jump out of our heads but the right thing to do any time we feel ourselves being impulsive is to take a deep breath and be a little bit patient with ourselves
For people who suffer from impulsion, walking around with a short note and pen can be the cure you have been seeking.
Rather than act on your ideas or the first thought that jumps out of your mind you learn to write them down instead.
Writing them down will feel like taking action on them without throwing them out into the world yet.
it allows you to sit with your ideas and those fresh baby thoughts. Think through them and know how they can be fleshed out for your benefit and the benefit of those involved
Not every one of your impulsive ideas and decisions is a waste or bad. Some of them just need to be angled right and deliberated on before being fit to throw out there
Sometimes impulse work but only with patience
While you form the habit of walking around with a short note and pen you also need to create the habit of sitting on them
Being comfortable doing nothing until it is time to do something.
This is the problem a lot of people suffer from. They find it difficult to be still and enjoy the moment of nothingness.
Deadlines and being impatient with outcomes drive them to be impulsive and disregard common logic
A little bit of patience with your ideas, jotting them down, and deliberating on them can be the change you seek