Amid doubt what can the writer do?
Doubt is a thing whether you are starting out or at the pinnacle of your career
It is something we all have to go through every once in a while. I normally see it as an opportunity for self-introspection
When the doubt hits it is time to go within and ask the hard questions but people rarely see it this way
When people start feeling doubtful of their skills they stall and stay at a place. Never moving and allowing that doubt to spiral to other places creating other problems
Sometimes we will feel like not trying, sometimes we will feel like we are not enough. Sometimes we feel like the world is about to crash on us, and sometimes we are scared to show people our work
During this moment the worst thing we can do is stall and stop. It is not advisable to let doubt hold you down.
When you are stuck in a place like this look within and ask yourself the hard questions. Look deep within to know where the fear is coming from and what is the root of it.
Are you in doubt because you are still unsure of your talent or you are in doubt because you are scared of people’s opinions?
Do you think you have something to lose by trying and if you think so what is that? The goal of all these questions is to bring out the inner feelings in you.
Even as you ask yourself these questions you want to keep taking action and getting things done. You want to keep pushing beyond the borders and boundaries of your doubt while addressing them
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