The hard truth about breaking promises with self

Samuel Madu
4 min readMar 30, 2023


We know when we break promises to others. We see the disappointment on their face and their reaction. We try to give reasons and excuses why we fall short of our promises because we are conscious of them and their effect on people.

When we fall short of our promises to ourselves we hardly notice and that is where the real problem starts. We can look deep into the face of people we failed and we can see their disappointment but nobody show our disappointment to us nor are we aware of it.

The biggest challenge for humans is to see the wood stuck in their eyes. We are so interested in removing the wood from the eyes of our neighbors but blinded to ours. We are rarely aware of the damage we cause ourselves.

The idea to make a promise and fail on that promise might be so ordinary to us that we see nothing to it. We go to bed and promise ourselves a day at the gym the next morning only for us to wake up and find some excuse not to go to the gym anymore

We promise to not take any more insults from an abusive relationship only to find ourselves dealing with the things we have promised ourselves not to deal with.

The big question remains- what is the repercussion of these broken promises to ourselves? What message are we passing down our psyche and what do you think the subconscious is interpreting this message as?

To illustrate, imagine promising a child a trip to the park or a zoo if they make their bed every night for a week. The child follows through with the promise, but then you break it. The child feels disappointed, and their trust is shattered. They may start to associate bedmaking with negative emotions, which can impact their motivation to achieve goals in the future.

He or she will always look at bedmaking with anger because it reminds them of the moment when they believed in something but ended up disappointed. It will remind them how their trust was dashed to the floor.

With every promise you break with yourself, there is a psychological effect like this on you. Everyone has that inner child sleeping within. Listening to our motives and watching our actions. It stays watching and it stays reacting. Call it our psyche or call it the subconscious it is always there listening.

Have you ever sat down and asked yourself why people suffer from self-doubt, procrastination, and insane laziness? Why any time you decide to do something for yourself a voice keeps talking you out of it and making sure you never do those things?

You see the human mind is a replica of the computer mind but better. You train the computer to take out some programs. You program the computer for a task, you train it through a programming language and it sticks to carrying out that task.

The mind is the same and you have been training it through multiple actions of yours to follow a certain way of thinking and get a certain type of result that way. This is why the saying goes ‘you can not be more than you know.’

What you know dictates what you do and vice versa. Your self-doubt doesn’t originate from nowhere. It is the consistent denial that you have given yourself and that little child has been broken so much that it is hard to trust anymore.

This is why any time you push yourself to try a thing the inner child draws you back to your normal state of denial.

It refuses to believe because you have refused to believe. You have broken a lot of promises that have left this child unsure if anything out there is even worth the try.

Please don’t fret because every problem out there has a solution. If you have spent years telling the mind things it is not supposed to know and making it take action it isn’t supposed to take then you can spend years telling it otherwise and writing out a new program for it to follow

Remember this little child have been looking up to you for a long time to start keeping those promise you make to yourself. They say and follow through on the things you tell them to do and the impressions you pass on to them. It is time to give this inner child (your subconscious) a reason to believe again.

It is time to start passing the right impression on this child and take total control of your happiness and her happiness again. Old habits can be unlearned and new ones can be learned and those new habits can lead you to the life you desire. Remember, nothing is late to change.




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