But why should you try writing when nobody reads your work?

Samuel Madu
2 min readNov 7, 2023


Photo by Şevket Duman via Pexels

Honestly, my mind has been in this place, asking myself this question, and the answers have been scary.

Human expectations will somehow rule most desires. Enough is never enough if you know what I mean.

We want a big crowd and a big audience. We want to prove to as many people as possible our writings are great and we are indeed born to be a writer.

Everyone who makes art carries this expectation around and keeps hoping for the best but there comes a time when everything becomes tiring.

There will come a time when you can no longer run faster than your expectation and you have to start questioning the things you do. Like am I worth being here, am I even worth calling myself a writer?

This moment is frustrating and can keep you in a halt. They can make you stop your progress no matter how little they are and make you kill the momentum you had.

So what happens when this moment starts crawling into your conscious mind?

Everyone deals with things separately. Some people keep riding and hoping for the best, some take a break while some quit entirely because what is the use?

Whatever path you choose you are not wrong. One thing that will be your guide during moments like this is asking yourself the ‘why’ questions.

Do you want this and why do you think you want this? Why do you think it will make a difference? Why do you think you have to keep pushing on? Why do you believe you are the things you claim to be?

These questions can be difficult to wrap your head around. They can be difficult to find an answer to but as long as you have chosen to be true to yourself you are going to find the direction you seek going forward.

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