Chasing the wind of options

Samuel Madu
4 min readJul 17, 2024


Photo by Christoph Nolte

Having too many options can be the most chronic pain that exists in a human’s life. Unfortunately, in this generation, we are being bombarded by what we perceive as numerous options.

Never has there been a time in human history like the one we are living in now. People can see things their forefathers could only dream of at arms reach and yet feel more confused than any generation in human history.

Too much of everything has left us with too little to do and more time to be confused about what to do. With no barriers to entry like we used to know people have created dreams for themselves they can’t keep up with.

I find myself being guilty of this. The idea that one can be anything has had me in the past putting effort into things I was never emotionally invested in. Every new week we have something on the internet to care about and take away the focus of last week. A continuous chase of the wind

There should be an anchor to one’s life, a state of knownness, a place one can call home, and a thing that brings certainty into the uncertain state of everyday living.

Every human seeks this state of permanency, but as the years go by it is becoming difficult for individuals.

Let’s take a trip down the emotional side of things like relationships. I seriously want to believe that there are people in happy relationships out there and enjoying the partners they have chosen for themselves, but quite a lot of people (at least the ones I know) are stuck on the ‘there are too many fishes in the sea to settle’ perspective.

There are too many fish in the sea, but yet most of the fish are single and running dry of any intimacy. They are out there left in the cold and in doubt if they are worth the things they claim.

If the sea of single people is filled with fish as people perceive, why are people not together and happy? Why are people still hoping and wishing to be taken out of the market?

Trust me, there are a lot of single people out there, and I mean all generations, races, and demography. People are out there, but people are not having anything lasting because the next date is as close as one DM away.

One DM away is all it takes. This is the distraction everyone is facing these days. If my next girlfriend is one DM away how will I know who is the one for me? .

Also, let’s not forget the fact that people in a loving relationship are looking outside the dusty street single people walk on and think that there’s someone out there for them.

Now let’s talk about the people finding themselves or trying to find themselves in the world, and I mean both passion, purpose, and career-wise. These people are going through it, and it is hitting them heavily. You might want to ask how.

I was watching this pretty girl’s Snapchat the other day, and this girl was on the phone begging and asking for content ideas, telling us that people are making money through content, and she wants to get in on that but has no idea what she’s going to talk about.

40 or 50 years ago, this could not have been possible. Even 20 years ago, this was not a route for anyone to take. The road remains to go to school or learn a skill. Nobody wakes up in the morning and asks anyone to tell them what to commit their life to, especially when they are not good at it or see themselves being good at it.

These days, people believe that they can be anything That is the scariest and pleasant place humans have gotten themselves. The idea that a girl who doesn’t know what to talk to her audience about should desire an audience is why people are stuck on that ‘I don’t know what to do with my life.’

She might have a skill, a degree, or some purpose she can be utilizing but the fact that she is seeing people doing things on her phone is giving her the idea that she too can. The hard truth here is that if you have to ask someone how to get things done, then you are not supposed to be doing that in the first place.

Someone once asked Mozart how they could learn and start playing the piano like him, and Mozart replied I didn’t go about asking anyone how I could play the piano. People who have something in them just go and get things done.

We can be anything now, and it has left us chasing the wind, hoping we catch it. People are in doubt about what stands to take or pay attention to. The fast life is the main focus for so many people in my generation, and that is becoming a pain to our commitment.

We have become weak with our choices, our attention span as weak as the arms of a little child. We can’t hold much, and we know we can’t hold much. There’s no denying this fact in modern-day humans. Hopefully, we get to lose the grip of things we perceive to be real and face reality for real.



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