For years i couldn’t break out of my imposter syndrome

Samuel Madu
3 min readApr 18, 2023


Robot suffering from imposter syndrome

I started writing online at the age of 26 on the topic of life advice and self-development. At that age, you might be asking who wants to take advice from a 26 years old guy on the internet.

You can imagine my guts for trying and might translate it as narcissism even but what a lot of people don’t understand is the imposter syndrome behind doing such things

During those years I was consistently doubting myself if I can pull through this and write real things people can resonate with.

Because of my fear of being judged, I wrote online anonymously for a year and a half. Not only was I writing in a blog I also wrote on Twitter where everyone can read my writings while I struggled with imposter syndrome anonymously.

My confidence wasn’t built overnight, my only escape was I knew deep within that even at 26 I had what it takes. My doubt was how will people receive it

It is one thing to know that you are talented and another to prove that talent, especially in a field that requires years of experience to be taken seriously.

I didn’t have this experience completely. I feared that my lack of experience will show in my writing.

Whenever I sent a tweet or posted a blog post I felt like a fraud. There was this inner critic inside of me reminding me I wasn’t enough, that I was not fit for this.

I judged myself more than anyone could judge me and I had too much of an ego to even talk to anybody about it.

Within that situation, I knew the only way to get out of this imposter syndrome I was feeling was to continue writing and publishing till it became my experience, till it became like drinking water.

I had my self-doubt but I never allowed it to dictate my flow. This was possible because I already had experience doing music, facing microphone fright, and being in front of an audience. That was my saving grace.

But what about young practitioners with no prior experience of tackling stage fright or the public? What about the young person in a field that demands experience which leaves them feeling like a fraud?

Start by challenging the negative self-talk within you. The process of combating imposter syndrome starts with addressing and challenging the negative self-talk in your head. When you hear the negative self-talk in your head telling you you are not good enough challenge it with positive affirmations. It helped me and will help you

Seek out mentorship and don’t be silent about your problems. Looking back, things could have been easy for me if I had opened up about my fears of feeling like a fraud. I was stubborn and believed the only way out of it is through it.

You don’t have to follow that route. People above you have had their share of imposter syndrome and they are great at giving advice and helping young colleagues out of it.

Enjoy a 15-minute free webinar on imposter syndrome and how it can be dangerous to overlook here. Get yourself the imposter syndrome handbook for career men and women here



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