Give people an enemy to hate and create a cult-like brand

Samuel Madu
2 min readDec 1, 2023


Photo by joao Guerreiro via Pexels

Writers and creators who choose to be safe and friendly with everyone aren’t going deep into the game.

Not being able to provoke is a disability in your creation. It shows you are someone not ready to stand for something and most of the time people don’t feel seen in your creation.

A man that doesn’t know how to raise envy is a man that is nobody. Even Mr Nicholas Taleb said in his book Antifragile that you fail as a man when no one is envious of you.

So you think appealing to everyone makes you a good person? No, it doesn’t. As someone trying to get the attention of people, you have to live like you don’t care about the attention in the first place.

Reclusiveness is a power, especially in the creation and brand message. It took me some time to understand this but it works.

Now on the part of giving people an enemy to hate on you need to know this is something embedded in the nature of man. A man finds life in knowing he is going against something. You might not know it but people are looking for something to hate.

The things you stand against, the people you decide to close the door on and throw shit at for being wack or not withholding values should be your created nemesis.

You might think you are the only one on that table who dislikes these people who don’t hold on to your values and you might fear the backlash from these people you are going against but hear me out, those backlash will work for your good better than anything will.

Many cult-like brands we adore today were created on this fact. Going against something and creating an enemy out of the people they go against.

Many writers, creators, and business owners think the best way is to pick no side but picking no side doesn’t mean you are safe, it just means you are the most vulnerable.

You have no strong fan base, you have no strong culture base, and your creation and brand message sound weak with no substance.



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