Good stories are easy to tell, great stories are easy to visualize
Humans are great storytellers. We tell stories not just with words but with acts. Every part of our body is there to communicate
Communication goes beyond words be it written or spoken. Man created language to know how to communicate with each other and tell stories
Good storytellers have been able to make a great impact with the language and words available to them. They have been able to write down experiences and take their readers and listeners on a journey to their mind
Good storytellers are interpreters of everyday life, they bring to you the everyday experiences and tell them in a way that is easy and interesting to read or watch (in motion pictures)
But within good storytellers, some rare human beings have mastered the art of storytelling to the place where it affects the psyche of audiences
This is a type of storytelling that not only interests the audience but also has an impression on their imagination.
We know those movies we watch as a kid and then go back to try to recreate in our fun times or those books we read and we can feel ourselves in the exact presence with all the sensations the writer is describing
This type of storytelling puts you in the moment, they not only take you on a beautiful ride but put you in the driver’s seat. They give you the steering wheel to drive yourself to whatever journey or conclusion you are coming to.
Great storytelling is rare but they are not difficult. I have had the opportunity to read some beautiful books with such type of storytelling and one thing they all have in common is strong imagination.
Writers with strong imaginations create a beautiful scenario and welcome you to have a sit at their experience. They create and invite, they don’t create and tell.
They invite you to the chaos within their mind, share the most vulnerable part of it, and shine light into the darkest part of their soul. They encourage you to take a look at their mind.
This is the reason we can’t escape great storytelling. It is there, it is honest and as people of emotions we yearn for such vulnerability from a soul we don’t know
We want to feel and great storytelling makes us feel. It takes our deepest desire and brings it out to reality whether in the form of motion picture or writing.
For writers trying to learn the art of great storytelling, you must first be ready to be naked. Naked in your imagination and creativity. Total honesty