Good storytelling is relatable

Samuel Madu
2 min readDec 6, 2023


Photo by GAURAV YADAV via Pexels

If it is not relatable then it is isn’t good and not worth the time of anyone.

Even most sci-fi storytelling and movies are relatable somehow to the everyday world and characters we see around us.

A good story tells the story of the people and not just the creator, writer, or artist. The artist and writer is just an interpreter of collective experiences

Things that get people going are things people see and recognize. When it is foreign to human consciousness it rarely gets the attention it requires.

Novelty still plays an important role in creating but novelty outside of human nature and experiences never get the attention required.

Nothing is new in the world, but people find new ways to do old things, which applies heavily to art too.

When it is new, like never have been seen before it will miss the crowd. When it is too fresh on human experiences it will miss the crowd

Still, that doesn’t mean we stop being original with our ideas and how we present them. It means we should be great at telling old stories in a new way.

There’s a form of relatability that comes with not going too far from the human consciousness. You can choose to be innovative but innovation without its root in the things we have known as humans can be catastrophic.



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