Good writers are perfect, Great writers use their imperfections.
We want a perfect life. A life we can be proud to show off and A life where everything flows smoothly but there’s something we will never learn to appreciate.
That thing is the fact that nothing will ever be perfect in the world and it is only those that are comfortable with that thought can end up enjoying life in all its trueness.
There’s power in coming to terms with that thought. It isn’t mediocrity like you might want to imagine or settling for less. It is something more.
For writers, our greatest weapon is in this thought of our imperfection and our embrace of it. But many people and writers out there think not reaching perfection is like falling behind, being a failure, or weakness.
First of all, we have to address where perfection comes from. Perfection is the desire to be extremely good at something. In trying to be extremely good at something one starts creating unrealistic expectations and standards which remove them from even taking action which is the only truly meaningful thing
Nothing else matters in life like result and action and when trying to be perfect you refuse to engage with this and create more problems for yourself.
You see perfection comes from a place of hiding. Trying to hide who you are within, trying to paint a picture that is not you. It is rooted in fear and doubt.
This is the reason why so many people seek it. They are trying to hide something and fear failure and the judgment that comes from it. Also, this is the reason why people who have chosen to be imperfect are the strongest of people and smartest in society.
As a writer, nothing makes your work come to life like the vulnerabilities you show in your writing. Nothing gives your writing meaning like the honesty of trying out the works you feel are not perfectly tuned out yet but the public needs to read it all.
It might be difficult to be this open about your creation because we live in a world where everyone wants to appear like they have it all together. People hide from their human struggles in search of perfection
Rather than try to become something you are not learn to embrace who you are in the first place and work upward from there. The confidence you desire, the admiration you seek lies in imperfection. Use it to your advantage.
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