How I struggled with imposter syndrome in my first year of writing online

Samuel Madu
2 min readJul 26, 2023


Getting out of imposter syndrome can be one of the hardest things one can experience because it is rarely a real thing.

I say rarely because it is not even real in the first place but our perception of ourselves at that particular time. When you let this perception run too long, that is when you begin to have a problem.

The issue with imposter syndrome is that we come upon something new and unfamiliar and our difficulty adapting to the new environment or situation leads us into a path of doubting ourselves.

Within that doubt, imposter syndrome gets birthed. We start questioning the things and skills that brought us to this new environment and wonder if we will be able to meet the demands

When I started writing in 2020 the internet was full of remarkable writers. Though I knew what I intended to write about, I questioned my skills and the receptivity of my writing.

There were times when I felt like a fraud every time I hit publish. There is always that feeling of how can you claim to know what you are saying without any prior experience. How dare you hit the publish button

Fear of judgment always existed inside me that sometimes stopped me from publishing some of my writing. While I was unaware then that this was imposter syndrome I still didn’t let that perception stop me from trying my best and publishing my work

I feel my urge and desire to be heard was stronger than my doubts and fear of being judged. The only way out of the storm was to keep publishing regardless of what I feel

Two and half years later I keep telling people the only way out of the things you fear is to continue to engage with your fear. To escape the storm keep moving.

Holding to that perception of you being incompetent, undeserving and a fraud is a lie. They only exist in your head and your head only. Believing that perception till it gets out of hand is the problem.

Many people are suffering from imposter syndrome today because they have allowed their perceptions and negative self-talk to define who they are for so long.

That perception has created the reality they live in today and makes them identify with it.

A compilation of 31 of my best blog posts on writing and publishing confidently for $4.99 here



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