How to rebuild your life after years of depression

Samuel Madu
2 min readNov 3, 2022


First, you have to make peace with whatever led you into depression. make peace with whatever kept you on that path wishing things were better.

One thing I have noticed more in life is that things rarely get better we grow stronger muscles to carry the weight.

A lot of people who have been stuck in depression for a long time happen to lack the strength and mindset to grow stronger muscles to carry the weight of their reality

In trying to rebuild their life they first have to make peace with that existence. Realize that nothing will ever be the same or how they wished it will be.

With this new truth and reality, they can also come to terms that the future is in their hands to build. They have the power to get out of the past and create a future worth living for themselves.

Secondly, This is where self-introspection plays a major path. you need to know what you want for yourself. What do you feel is going to ignite your soul, what type of mission do you want to embark on?

In the early stage of getting out of depression, you don’t need any quiet moments. You need to throw yourself into a lot of activities and push yourself to go out often into the real world.

Knowing what you want can bring the right awareness into things you should be doing and things you should be avoiding. Productivity is better than busyness.

The goal for you is to be productive and see real results from your endeavor. Seeing results from the work you put into any activity you have yourself in will make you feel like you are worth something after all

Thirdly, Kill expectations. During this moment the goal is to try new things and see how they work for you.

You don’t have to push it too far, take things easy, see how they work and see how you can stay improving on them for the long run

Live and enjoy life without expectations at least for now. Even when you meet someone new don’t start planning your whole life around that person and imagining the future with them.

A little heartbreak or failure might lead you back to the place you are trying to escape.

You don’t want to expect much even from yourself and you want to live life to the fullest



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