How to stop writing boring cold emails and business writings. Be the comedian people take seriously.

Samuel Madu
2 min readNov 20, 2023


Photo by fauxels via Pexels

People write business emails and memos as if they are talking to some deity.

Too much respect, fear, and lack of creativity and hence it kills the flow of the conversation they are trying to have with this person or prospect

People need to remember that we are humans before we are professionals and sometimes being too professional kills the flow of things and your chances of getting anything done.

People desire to be professionals but lose touch with what makes them human and what gets the human spirit going.

So even though it is corporate it still doesn’t mean it must be an email or writing without any true human interaction in them.

Everything must sound professional in such an environment but that doesn’t mean that a little bit of entertainment can’t be used in your cold emails.

So rather than go all professionals with the introduction to your prospect and introduce yourself like someone important you can take a break like

Hey Mr Jones, I have a cup of coffee in my hands and am talking to a colleague about how both of your names (first name and last name) complement each other so well. He asks me to say Hi to the man for him

Now you must be wondering why a stranger like me is in your inbox but I am here to…..

Rather than the boring egoistic introduction everyone throws at each other, you are disarming your prospect with praise and you are telling them they are being positively discussed in the office, gratifying their ego and not throwing your ego in their face.

You are making them the main character and they are bound to fall for that and read the rest of your email.

Let’s say you are in a position of following up on a request or pitch you have thrown and instead of being an entitled prick you go.

Hey Sandra, I know the train didn’t hit you and I am glad that you are still here on planet Earth dealing with everyone including the annoying ones like me. I can’t help myself from being the annoying person in your inbox but can you forgive me and reply to me with the last request (insert whatever it is)

You might think this is pushy but it isn’t. You are not being a prick about not getting a reply and you are not trying to paint the person in a bad picture but rather making them laugh for not answering your request and hence disarm any defensiveness they have got.

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