Simple storytelling advice I got from a guy running a 300 million dollar hedge fund

Samuel Madu
2 min readNov 24, 2023


Photo by Pixabay

When you meet successful people and you ask them how they got to the place they are in, they are always interested in telling you about hard work and some psychological feat.

This was different with this man I met in Cape Town. He wasn’t giving me the usual answers I expected from every successful person.

Rather he told me that stories sell and when you know how to tell them you can get anything you want.

He said this was his experience running a 300-million-dollar hedge fund company for 30 years. With a story, you can open any door and have yourself rooted in the room.

He said when you go back in time in human history the men who were great storytellers ruled the tribe and even when they were not ruling they were indispensable because of their initiative.

They had the people’s ears and attention and they had all the control. To get to the people you need their storytelling prowess. You need them to do the work of organizing people to take some action. You need them to do the work of gathering and they do that so effortlessly with storytelling.

Good storytelling is what makes people do things. It makes them take action and bring the storyteller to the limelight.

I was impressed with all that he was saying and I said I feel that same way as a writer too. Storytelling is the backbone of every creator and enterprise.

As a writer, your chances of being taken seriously in the first place depend on how well you can articulate your ideas and compellingly tell them.

People don’t want to be bored out and people don’t have the patience for that. It is either get their attention fast or lose them.

He discussed his early beginnings and how he suffered this same predicament too. His difficulties with finding investors to invest with his hedge fund company

Storytelling changed my life, and I remain grateful for learning to understand that discipline. I still use it today and it still brings me money, fame, and power

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