The beginning of all great writing advice
There is a lot of writing advice out there on the internet, some are great while some are trash but there is one that tops all and makes everything else irrelevant
This advice makes everything look foolish when it comes to writing because without it nothing else matters at the end of the day
It is the beginning and the end of writing, it is where everything starts from and what writers should focus on first.
A lot of writers don’t know it yet but it will make their work stand out and look great if they can learn the basics of this and stick to it for a long time.
Many writers search the internet for writing advice but pay no attention to this simple great writing advice. They devote so much time searching for advice that improves their writing but yet ignore this one.
The funny thing is every writer is aware of this advice, it is in front of everyone who has decided to take writing seriously and build a career in it.
Yet writers tend to ignore it for whatsoever reason they tell themselves and everyone seems to suffer from it at the end of the day for ignoring it.
I remember when I started writing and how I ignored this advice or tried to hide in the shadows for so long. But it was there all along begging and asking that…