How new age writers killed traditional media
I don’t know what it means to be a writer before the computer age, I don’t know what it means to even use a fax or post a letter.
There are some things I will never understand when it comes to how things were done before the 90s and how creators like independent writers prevailed then.
But one thing I know for sure is that things were not as easy as it is now. I recognize the challenges and how difficult it would have been then to get published or even write something people from miles away can have the opportunity to read.
As young writers of the internet age, we have that opportunity, we have the gift of laptops and cool gadgets to put down our ideas and watch them go viral all around the globe.
We watched the opportunity of being a writer increase in front of us and we saw so many people who wouldn’t have tried being writers see themselves as independent journalist.
With the rise of “anybody can be a journalist” we saw traditional media crash and we enjoyed that experience. Platforms like Twitter (now called X unfortunately) saw people reporting live before the newspapers and blogs could catch up.
Writers suddenly started realizing that we don’t need permission to write about the things we are curious about and writers also realized that…