What gets the attention of people in your niche
Replace niche with a group of friends and see it from that perspective. When you learn to see a niche as a group of best friends the work begins.
When you say you have a niche and you are trying to talk and get the attention of people interested in that niche you need to put the focus on what a group of friends sound like and act like.
We know every group of friends has its lingual and characteristics, we know they have a gossip point and we know they have a certain way in which they address each other. If your friend group is crazy enough you know there are some inner secrets you all share.
With a friend group, it is about relationships. Everyone in that group knows the inner happenings of their friend and the people in their lives. They know who they are dating and they know their parent and the expectations their parent have of them.
Within a friend group, there is information that outsiders don’t know and this information stays in the group and is protected by the bond the group shares.
Whatever niche you tend to find yourself you must understand this aspect of the people in that niche or interested in their niche. This is the only way you can create a bond with your audience that doesn’t feel forced.
Friends are there to entertain each other not bore each other and try to sell something to each other. There must be an element of fun and laughter, there must be energy exchange. You give them something so exciting and they reciprocate the excitement to you.
Imagine you as an individual getting called by your pet name you know your friends usually call you by only for you to find out that the person calling this name is not a friend, is not warm nor entertaining, and doesn’t even take the time to recognize and know you.
This will sound and look offensive to you and even if you don’t know them you know their mistake now and you resent them for it. This is the mistake so many creators and businesses are making on these streets.
Want to work with me while I walk you through on how to apply this to your creation and business? email- Deals@samuelmadu.com.ng