What Serena Williams thinks about the importance of self-doubt
I read this article In a 2018 interview on Serena Williams by Harpar Bazaar and in her words she proclaimed “I have this thing where I’ve been checking my stats and rankings and everything…”
She goes on to say “And I’m like, ‘Why do I do that?’ But I think it’s important to have those moments of self-doubt. It’s a natural part of the process.”
Reading that article that day brought some kind of relief to me because I was obsessed with the stats. I have this motto I live by that whatever can be measured can be improved but improving wasn’t really what I was looking for.
It was more like checking the stats and data to know if I am being accepted by my audience and filling a void of self-doubt in me. It is like looking for validation in numbers and I am not the only one suffering from that
Reading that article and seeing Serena Williams talk about her self-doubt and imposter syndrome shows how everyone deals with it differently.
The stats most of us are obsessed with, especially in a field that our performance could be measured and calculated show a side to imposter syndrome and seeking validation in numbers.
To feel certain we search for the numbers that verify our claim that we are important. These numbers have become an antidote to our insecurities with our careers.
For how long are we going to make this number and stats our lord? The self-doubt we feel within Serena Williams called it the natural part of the process and I believe it to be so. We have to learn to see it as so and remove ourselves from the numbers.
As long as you are in the field and playing you are bound to have your share of doubts and imposter syndrome. It is what makes you human at the end of the day.
See beyond it and acknowledge it. Free yourself from the shackles of always checking the numbers to be sure of your success or place in your career.
When you find yourself stuck talk to somebody that understands your process and the things you do. A senior colleague or one experienced with the issue of self-doubt and imposter syndrome
People who have gone through this phase will help you get out of it and have your confidence back. As long as performance is concerned those numbers will always fluctuate and when you put your confidence in them you will be disappointed