Why businesses should create and not try to innovate
It is a must now that every business finds themselves online and tries to grab the free traffic that these online platforms offer to them.
There’s no running away from the online world now and we are living in its peak moment where everything revolves around it and businesses must also fight with creators and entertainers for the attention game
It used to be easy running a business in the past because all you will ever bother about is the business part of your business and how to get sales so the business survives. To get the sales now you must be extra and creative. It goes beyond just business now.
So many small businesses out there are finding this new demand challenging. They are supposed to run businesses and not dance on camera or become actors to get their desired customers.
The things businesses fail to understand is that this demand is here already and can’t be changed but neither should how they have been handling business change also.
Yes, you have to be online, yes you have to create content that attracts people to the things you are selling, and yes you have to be creative but one thing you need to know is that you don’t have to be innovative with it.
As a business, trying to be innovative with your creation is playing to your weakness. You don’t have to try to come up with new and different ways to show people what you do or offer. If you can pay someone to do that for you fine but if you can’t this is a simple solution to follow/take.
The simple take here is to follow whatever you think is working online presently for your content creation. Every week and month we have a particular template and sound working for businesses which you can ride on the wave and make content on.
You are not trying to make a blockbuster movie you are just trying to get the free attention that comes with creating to your doorstep and order button. So it is more about riding on a wave that is already working and less about trying to innovate your way to breakthrough trends,
The simple task is to be on top of your game at what culture is demanding currently and what is out there. If you are good at this game you can know when trends are starting to take off and ride the wave early before other businesses decide to catch up.