Why the artist suffers from the natural genius type of imposter syndrome
The natural genius is a type of imposter syndrome
The artistic arena is a place where ego comes to play and everyone expects themselves to be a genius of some sort.
People in this field tend to be victims of an imposter syndrome called the natural genius. Played by their ego and sometimes caged by it.
The natural genius expect themselves to make great work and they are determined to make great work except that being great is more of the people’s opinion than theirs. They have put themselves in a situation that is outside of their control.
The natural genius is characterized by a belief that one must excel effortlessly at whatever they do. This type of imposter syndrome isn’t just found only in the artistic field but in every other industry.
We all know that person that truly believes that they are gifted but their reality and their work don’t match up with such belief. Sometimes even most of us look at our work and expect it to reach farther than wherever it is now.
People who suffer from the natural genius type of imposter syndrome tend to hit a low point in their career when they find out that who they think they are is not who the public sees them as. They tend to fall short and doubt their gift when it doesn’t resonate with the people they create things for.
One challenges the natural genius face is shame. The shame of thinking so much of themselves yet falling short in front of everybody they know. They expect themselves to effortlessly make magic happen but yet find it difficult to make that reality real
The way out of this challenge is to be comfortable with one’s process and know that things do take time and there’s nothing like perfection.
Another challenge they face is the difficulty they have in asking for help. Because they hold themselves in high regard, these people find it difficult to seek help especially when a task is becoming difficult for them to handle
They always feel like the harder the task the more chance they have to prove themselves but this is the reason why they end up disappointed every time and hit imposter syndrome.
Asking for help doesn’t take the shine out of you. There’s growth in collaboration and you might even find the ideas that you are lost to if you can just seek the opinion of those doing what you do.