Writers are not supposed to have it all together. Give yourself grace
Sometimes we bother our minds about situations that never should have existed in the first place. We create worry where there is supposed to be none.
For writers, it goes further than that. There are so many imaginary problems we create for ourselves and it is possible because we share so much of ourselves with the world.
We are always in doubt about our skills and how we choose to deliver them. We are in doubt about our language and how we use them. We are in doubt about how people will receive and treat our work
Writers are always bothered about how perfect they come out to the world. Always in their head how this world perceives them and the things they do.
This is common for anyone sharing a piece of themselves with the world, Common with anyone doing creative works like the writer.
The world is a place of cold judgment. That we are certain of and because of that we want to come out as perfect and best as we can.
But this is the problem we create for ourselves. In trying to come out perfect we lose that essence that makes us original and give our writing the human feeling it needs to resonate in the minds of people
To those who feel like they are not perfect, this idea stops them from writing and publishing their work forgetting that that is the only way they can progress in their skill.
For writers, we are not supposed to have it all figured out and that is where our strength lies. It lies in not figuring it all out and being comfortable finding ourselves and our voices in the mud.
The vulnerability of our writing is what sets us apart and gives our writing life. It gives the feeling of honesty and tells our readers we are who we claim to be. It doesn’t show something we are not but unfortunately, many writers have turned a blind eye to the usefulness of it.
The idea of having it all figured out stops your growth and progress. No one stops learning especially in a career such as writing.
It is ever-evolving and people’s tastes continue to change. The style of yesterday and the things of yesterday become useless today.
So to reach that height where you can find what works for you you must continuously be a beginner and learner in your craft. Go at it with open-mindedness and understand that you don’t need to have everything figured out.
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