You need friends especially while struggling with imposter syndrome

Samuel Madu
2 min readJun 20, 2023


Photo by RDNE Stock project via Pexel

Your environment doesn’t improve your skill but it can be the spark that drives you into that journey of self-improvement.

Your environment can make or break you, its influence on you runs deep and this is why you need to understand how to make it work for you.

In making your environment work for you have to consciously choose what and who you surround yourself with.

Some people are lucky to have that type of environment that complements their skill and give them both the moral and emotional support they need to excel

They are lucky enough to be surrounded by humans thriving and doing better and having their skill rub off on them.

Such types of people, though, may not be conscious of these influences and luck in their environment but it rubs off how they tend to attend and organize their daily life.

Some people are not this lucky. Some people’s environment brings the reverse of this. Some people are deep in an environment that ignores their skills and has no interest in self-improvement.

The good news is that if your environment doesn’t favor what you think you can become and help improve your skills you can choose what influence and who gets in your circle.

The workplace can serve as an escape from our environment and things that hold us back. We can consciously choose which colleague helps improve our mental state and skill.

This is important, especially for people who suffer cases of imposter syndrome and other self-confidence issues.

Walking and working with the right people can be that mindset shift you need to start seeing yourself in a new light. The confidence level of people you surround yourself with will eventually rub off on you.

Secondly, this is the easiest way to learn. When you walk with giants you learn the way of giants.

In a place where you are filled with doubt and see yourself as incompetent be in the right crowd and among the right friends you will learn how they tackle such a problem.

It is easy to share and discuss ideas of how you all tackle issues of insecurities, doubt, and imposter syndrome in the workplace.

Enjoy a 15-minute free webinar on imposter syndrome and how it can be dangerous to overlook here. Get yourself the imposter syndrome handbook for career men and women here



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