You need self-compassion to survive as a writer
Any creative work demands some type of vulnerability to be real and connect with people and there is no one showing that vulnerability like the writer
Words are magic and writers do create magic. In creating that magic writers go through so many delicate moments and experience
In sharing our ideas we are faced with questions if we are truly deserving and competent to share them. Majority of the time we even question the things we write.
Our skill is always up for question. We question what we write and we question its receptivity. We question the mistake we make and question every character we create.
We are lost in doubt and most times the opinion of people leave us in dismay. But even in all these challenges they still define and make us a writer.
In all the uncertainty of our creation, we eventually find ourselves and write things that connect with the public
The doubt is natural, the indecisiveness is natural, and the imposter syndrome is all-natural, and rather than have it remove you from writing you should create your best work with the things you feel.
As writers, we are delicate human beings but we are amazing and that is why taking care of our mental health is paramount.
Always see your writing and its process from a place of self-compassion. Give yourself that and treat your process with kindness, empathy, and care.
In situations of doubt and indecisiveness learn to give yourself the grace to go through that phase while learning how to develop your skill
Every writer has their share of doubt and imposter syndrome so don’t lose your mind to it. Understand that everything comes and goes. Your way out of that feeling is to continue publishing and putting yourself out there to be seen whether ready or not
The only way out of the storm is to continue moving. Don’t let the feeling of doubt hold you down and stop you from writing and publishing your creation.
A compilation of 31 of my best blog posts on writing and publishing confidently for $4.99 here